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Center-invest Bank Receives Public Recognition Award


Center-invest Bank was among the winners of the annual “Public Recognition” competition held by the Krasnodar Krai Public Chamber. Awards were presented to the twelve companies that had run the best social projects in Krasnodar Krai in 2015.

Center-invest Bank has been working hard to support young people, education, and young entrepreneurs for many years,” said Lyubov Popova, Secretary of the Krasnodar Krai Public Chamber. “Its projects are to a large extent innovative and very important for society.”

For the past 13 years Center-invest Bank has run an open scholarship competition for undergraduate and postgraduate students from southern Russia’s leading higher education institutions. To date, over 12,000 students have entered the competition, and 3,000 scholarships have been awarded.

Seven thousand students have completed the free online training course “Enterprise for All” on the school.centrinvest.ru portal. Center-invest Bank created this course for anyone who wishes to study the basics of entrepreneurship. Certificates are awarded for successful completion of the course.

Over 1,500 students responded to the bank’s recent survey “Me and the World in 2030”. The bank subsequently ran a competition among university students in southern Russia for the best analysis of the questionnaire data. The competition entries revealed that young people in southern Russia see their future as “Love for Their Home Region + Global Competitiveness!”