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Center-invest Bank: Leader of the Year


In 2015 Center-invest Bank was recognised as Russia’s best regional bank and one of the country’s top 3 retail banks. Dr Vasily Vysokov, chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, was Person of the Year according to the Expert Yug business magazine. In the Leader of the Year rating, published by the Gorod N. newspaper, Dr Vysokov took 3rd place for Business Reputation and 4th place for Successful Entrepreneur. Center-invest Bank was also one of the top 5 most successful companies in the Rostov region1.

Center-invest Bank’s business is underpinned by the transformational banking model2, which is based on “adopting creative and responsible solutions to today’s challenges in the interests of future generations”. The above achievements clearly show that the transformational banking model is both viable and effective.

Moreover, the bank’s key indicators for 2015 demonstrate its ability to operate in a challenging financial and economic environment and to adapt quickly to rapidly changing situations.

The Board of Directors and Executive Board of Center-invest Bank thank all of its employees and customers for their effective work and their trust in the bank, both of which allow the bank to continue to grow and to stay at the top of the ratings.

1 http://www.sravni.ru/novost/2015/12/2/lidery-bankovskogo-rynka/


Город N, № 49 от 22.12.2015

2 http://www.centrinvest.ru/files/articles/pdf/CI_TransformationBank_book_final.pdf