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Center-invest Bank Wins Internal Communications Award


Center-invest Bank has won the Internal Communications and Corporate Media category in the Silver Archer Awards (South) 2015. Our winning project was our new corporate theatre group, “Green Theatre”. Our entry was a clear favourite with the jury, and has attracted interest both regionally and nationally.

The Silver Archer Awards recognise excellence in Public Relations, primarily in Russia, but also abroad. Several regional competitions are held in Russia.

Center-invest Bank’s theatre project was the brainchild of the bank’s Press Service. It provides an alternative to standard team-building exercises and involves absolutely every member of staff, be it as an actor, a production assistant, or a member of the audience.

The Press Service note that the project has helped employees to develop their public speaking skills and their confidence, which naturally benefits their everyday work. The project has also taught employees how to work creatively in a team.

The premiere of Green Theatre’s first production, a play inspired by A.S. Griboedov’s “Woe from Wit”, was held as part of the bank’s 23rd anniversary celebrations. It played to a full house.