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Center-invest Bank in Top 20 Russian Banks for SME Lending


In a study of Russia’s SME lending market in 2015 produced by the Expert RA rating agency, Center-invest Bank ranks 16 th among Russian banks by size of SME loan portfolio.

Despite the overall trend in Russia of reduced lending to SMEs, Center-invest Bank maintained its rate of lending at the same level as last year. In 2015 we made 5245 loans to SMEs for a total of RUB89.2bn. Our SME loan portfolio stands at RUB30.3bn.

In January-February 2016 Center-invest Bank made 6422 new loans to business and retail customers in southern Russia, for a total of RUB15.2bn. Lending increased 2.3 times compared to the same period of last year.

Center-invest Bank continues to provide finance on preferential terms under its Start-Up, Youth Business Russia, and Business Loans for Women programmes. New entrepreneurs have already received 436 loans totalling RUB552m, while businesswomen have obtained 261 loans for a total of RUB331m.

The stable growth in lending by Center-invest Bank can be attributed to record low interest rates and the bank’s long-term sustainable development strategy, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, and advice for customers.