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Center-invest Bank is Leader for SME Lending


Center-invest Bank has again performed very well in ratings of Russia’s leading banks for SMEs. Customer trust and record low interest rates for loans from Center-invest Bank have contributed to this success.

Center-invest Bank is in 6th place in the “Top 15 banks for size of portfolio of loans to small business as at 01.01.2016” and 13th place in the “Ranking of Banks by Volume of SME Lending in 2015” (five places higher than for 2014). The ratings were produced by the Expert RA rating agency.

In 2015 Center-invest Bank made 5245 loans to SMEs for a total of RUB89.2bn. Its SME loan portfolio was RUB30.3bn.

Center-invest Bank continues to provide finance on preferential terms under its Start-Up, Youth Business Russia, and Business Loans for Women programmes. The stable growth in lending by Center-invest Bank can be attributed to record low interest rates and the bank’s long-term sustainable development strategy, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, and advice for customers.

Center-invest Bank’s business is underpinned by the transformational banking model, which is based on “adopting creative and responsible solutions to today’s challenges in the interests of future generations”. The bank’s strong performance in the ratings shows that the transformational banking model is both viable and effective.