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Center-invest Bank is Certified Good Employer


Center-invest Bank has received a Certificate of Approval from the State Labour Inspectorate for the Rostov Region and the Union of Employers. The certificate attests that the bank is listed in the register of employers known to observe employment rights.

Employers awarded this certificate are exempt for five years from routine inspections for compliance with labour laws. The main conditions that the employers must meet are observance of employment rights, including timely payment of wages, and compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.

Center-invest Bank’s codes of corporate conduct and ethics comply with Russian legislation and fully protect the interests of workers. The bank does not have any workplaces with hazardous working conditions.

For many years Center-invest Bank has voluntarily paid for medical insurance for its employees.

For the last 25 years the bank has run a traineeship programme to build its talent pool. A training course and work experience for trainees is provided by the Financial Literacy Centres in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. In 2016, 370 students from higher education institutions in southern Russia participated in this programme. The 173 students who showed the most promise during the training course were offered internships at Center-invest Bank, and of these the 96 best candidates went on to become Center-invest Bank employees.

With a creative atmosphere and employees who take responsibility for and have confidence in the success of the bank’s strategy, we have established a corporate culture that promotes the sustainable development of the bank’s ecosystem.