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Center-invest Bank to pay record dividends


The Board of Directors of the Bank "Center-invest" recommended the shareholders meeting to pay dividends for 2017 in the amount of 621.74 million rubles.

The amount of proposed dividends is a record for the whole history of Center-invest Bank. This is the result of the stable work of the Bank on the basis of modern banking technologies, in accordance with the best international practice and the business model of sustainable development in the transformational economy.

In accordance with the new Dividend policy approved last year, "the amount recommended by the Board of Directors of the Bank as dividends should be not less than 50% of the Bank’s net profit determined in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS) for the last financial year, and not more than the amount of net profit determined by the Russian accounting standards (RAS) for the same period, taking into account the requirements of regulators and current legislation of the Russian Federation".

Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Vasily Vysokov says:"In a speculative business model, shareholders "save" dividends in order to "inflate "capital and quickly sell the business". In a sustainable business model, which is increasingly used by public companies, the dividend policy ensures the alignment of strategic interests of investors, employees and shareholders in long-term sustainable development".

The amount of dividend recommended by the Board of Directors of Center-Invest Bank is a record both in its size and in its share of net profit under IFRS and RAS (find in the table below). Differences in profit scales are related to the specifics of accounting for individual costs and regulatory requirements of international and Russian accounting standards and are leveled over time. In particular, following the results of the first quarter of 2018, the bank’s net profit amounted to 339.4 million rubles under IFRS and 750.4 million rubles by RAS.

Dividend history of Center-invest Bank

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Net profit, million, rubles IFRS 1 409,9 1 107,1 534,8 1 004,0 1 425,6
RAS 1 405,5 1 202,4 1 100,1 511,9 677,5
Total amount of dividends, million rubles 274,0 18,1 296,3 296,3 621,7
In % to the net profit, % IFRS 19% 2% 55% 30% 44%
RAS 19% 2% 27% 58% 92%