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Bank Center-invest was ranked among leading European banks on ESG-banking


According to a VigeoEiris report Center-invest Bank ranks 17 among 76 leading European banks operating on the basis of models of environmental, social and corporate responsibility (ESG: Environment, Social and Governance).

Vigeo Eiris framework comprises 6 major themes:

  • ecology and environmental protection
  • labor relations and staff rights
  • interaction with consumers
  • interaction with the regional community
  • business ethics
  • corporate governance.

It also takes into account the Bank’s social orientation, the level of its integration into social life, the degree of realization of the opportunities to fulfill its obligations to the society, responsible businesses and environmental safety.

The assessment didn’t take into account individual measures demonstrating the social responsibility of Center-Invest Bank, but its complex impact on the society and the environment.

"Center-invest Bank provides a balance between economic, environmental and social components in its activity based on the innovations and the principles of sustainable development. Such a high score among leading European banks confirmed by the leadership in the transformation of the banking business in Russia", — comments Lidia Simonova, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Center-Invest Bank.

Bank Center-invest always strives to localize the best world practices and modern banking technologies for the development of the regional economy.

The entry of Center Invest into the list of leading European banks in the field of sustainable development is a confirmation of the investment attractiveness of the economy of the South of Russia.