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Center-invest Bank Wins Russian Award for Green Finance


On 6 December 2018, at the XVI Russian Bond Congress in St Petersburg, Center-invest Bank received an award for successfully initiating a green loans market in Russia and making a substantial contribution to its subsequent development. The award was presented by the National Association of Concessionaires and Long-Term Investors in Infrastructure (NADKI) and the CBonds group.

The Congress’s organisers noted that Russia was gradually becoming aligned with global trends in green finance. Discussing the implementation of green projects helps to develop a national mindset that we should be taking a responsible approach to natural and social resources.

"For us, this award is an honour that we have earned — since 2005 Center-invest Bank has been using energy efficiency technologies in its own operations and helping customers to implement energy saving projects," said Alexander Kovalenko, Head of Treasury at Center-invest Bank. "We have provided more than RUB16bn in energy efficiency finance."

Experts from NADKI were impressed by the quality of Center-invest Bank’s corporate standards and its methods for assessing customers’ energy efficiency projects prior to lending.

Center-invest Bank is one of the best banks in Europe for ESG. Vigeo Eiris ranks us 17th out of 76 European banks that are operating on the basis of environmental, social and corporate responsibility principles.

The Vigeo Eiris rating assesses a bank’s social orientation, the extent to which it meets its obligations to society, and the quality and effectiveness of its corporate strategy with regard to social responsibility, responsible business, and environmental safety.

Center-invest Bank continually strives to localise best international practice and modern banking technologies to develop the economy of the regions in which it operates. This award for establishing a green loans market in Russia confirms Center-invest Bank’s status as a leader in sustainable development.