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Center-invest Bank’s CRM System Wins 2018 Project of the Year


Center-invest Bank’s Front Office Customer Service System won the CRM System category in the Global CIO "2018 Project of the Year" competition.

On 31 January 2019 Russia’s leading professional community of IT Directors, Global CIO, announced the winners of its 2018 Project of the Year competition. The heads of IT departments had spent almost two months evaluating the competition entries. They were aided by an online voting system, based on technology developed by the Global CIO IT community.

Center-invest Bank won the CRM System category. Its project "Front Office Customer Service System" was introduced to make customer service more efficient, by providing convenient functionality for services relating to deposit products and plastic cards. This IT solution is being replicated throughout the bank’s branch network. The project also increased the speed of customer service due to the creation of a system for centralised processing of transactions and the optimisation of business processes.

"By digitalising front office customer service, we have become more efficient and reduced the time taken to perform banking transactions," says Yuri Bogdanov, Center-invest Bank’s Director of Innovation. "For example, the time spent on card transactions has been reduced by 50%, and the staff time saved is being used for more complex business processes."

This win in a national competition confirms the high skill level of Center-invest Bank’s employees and its status as a leader in the banking market. Center-invest Bank is demonstrating that the automation and optimisation of business processes and banking technologies is essential to effective development irrespective of external conditions.