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Treasures of the Don Steppes Exhibition Reopens


The Treasures of the Don Steppes exhibition has reopened at the recently renovated Rostov Region Local Studies Museum. Center-invest Bank has been a partner of this exhibition since 2004.

During the 16-year partnership between the bank and the museum, over 120,000 schoolchildren have enjoyed free entry to the Treasures of the Don Steppes exhibition, which tells the history of the people who have inhabited the lands of the Rostov region.

The revamped exhibition presents an array of precious objects, which for thousands of years were hidden from view under burial mounds ("Steppe pyramids") and under the land of ancient settlements and necropolises.

The museum holds thousands of archaeological artefacts made of precious metals. They span a vast timeline, from the Bronze Age to the Late Middle Ages. Many of the items are unique and of great academic interest.

Congratulating the museum on its reopening, Lidia Simonova, Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Executive Board, said, "This project is especially important to Center-invest Bank. The museum exhibitions give children an opportunity to learn about the world of art, Don traditions and our national heritage. The revamped and expanded exhibition will allow more young visitors to discover the Treasures of the Don Steppes."

Center-invest Bank runs charitable programmes together with leading museums in southern Russia: the Rostov Region Local Studies Museum, the Rostov Region Museum of Fine Art, the Battle of Stalingrad Panorama Museum, the Volgograd planetarium, and the Sholokhov Open Air State Museum in the Rostov Region. We sponsor free entry to museum exhibitions and displays for schoolchildren.