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Center-invest Bank Supports Student “Finance Cup”


The final of the national student competition, FinCup SFEDU, was held on 5 December. Center-invest Bank was one of the competition partners and provided the main prize.

FinCup SFEDU is a competition run by the Southern Federal University for undergraduate and postgraduate students throughout Russia. Its aims are to develop creative potential and to increase interest in financial law in changing political and economic conditions.

The competition ran from 9 November to 5 December 2020, and this year it was held online. It was timed to coincide with the 105th anniversary of the Southern Federal University.

The competition had two stages: individual and team. At the end of the first stage, 31 competitors went onto the final. They were put into five teams and their task was to work on unique case studies provided by five different employers. One of the case studies was supplied by Center-invest Bank: the task was to work out how to dispose of real estate jointly acquired by spouses. The team that solved this problem came in third place.

Ekaterina Khestanova, deputy head of Center-invest Bank’s legal department for Krasnodar krai, sat on the competition jury. Commenting on the competition, she said, “The jury were impressed with the finalists’ in-depth analysis of the tasks and their creative approaches to presenting the results of their work. By working on the case studies, the participants not only learn how to apply legal norms to real-life situations; they also have a chance to demonstrate their abilities. The students who most impressed the bank were invited for work experience with us. These kinds of competitions are very useful in helping students embark on their professional career.”

In line with ESG principles, one of the aims of Center-invest Bank’s socio-educational projects is to improve the population’s financial literacy and understanding of legal issues. The bank supports and encourages talented young people through professional competitions and academic grants. The bank develops young people’s practical skills at its Financial Literacy Centres, in hackathons, and by providing work experience. As a result, schoolchildren and students improve their knowledge of economic and legal issues, and greater importance is attached to quality education.