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Award for Sustainable Development of the Don Region


The Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region awarded a certificate of honour for significant contribution to the formation and implementation of the socio-economic policy of the region to Vasily Vysokov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center-invest Bank, professor, Doctor of Economics.

Professor Vysokov has participated in the original economic reforms in the Don region in the 1990s, and for more than 30 years has been implementing economic and social-educational programmes in the South of Russia.

Established in 1992 by Vasily Visokov together with his wife Tatyana Vysokova and the heads of the first privatisation enterprises of the Don, Center-invest Bank is today one of the best financial institutions in Russia for the implementation of sustainable development principles, ranking 5th in Russia in terms of the volume of loans issued to SMEs and 11th in mortgage lending.

Professor Vysokov is one of the leading Russian experts, the author of more than 400 scientific papers on the problems of economic transformation and reforms in the region, the development of small entrepreneurship, responsible banking, and the initiator of the creation of the first Financial Literacy Centre in Russia for the development and strengthening of financial culture in the Don region.

Professor Vysokov’s extensive educational activities and the sustainable practises of Center-invest Bank create a favourable environment for realising the creative potential of businesses and residents of the Don region.