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Banki.ru Issues First Loan from Center-invest Bank


Center-invest Bank is Banki.ru’s first partner bank in the financial platform status and has helped issue the first loan to a marketplace user.

With the financial platform status, Center-invest Bank can offer Banki.ru marketplace users not only the chance to choose the best consumer loan but also apply for it entirely online without having to visit the bank.

«Centre-invest Bank strives to meet customers’ needs in terms of the quality and affordability of financial services. We are actively developing remote lending, simplifying interaction with the bank, and making transaction processing easier. The speed of decision-making, transparency of lending terms, flexibility, simplicity, and professionalism of the team are what sets our bank apart from others,» said Nikolai Paramonov, Head of Center-invest Bank’s Retail Lending Department.

To get a loan from Center-invest Bank, you need to register on the Banki.ru platform, select the bank offer and confirm your identity by meeting with a Banki.ru representative at a convenient time. After receiving the final decision from the bank, you only have to sign the agreement electronically. The loan will be transferred to the specified account.

This is not Center-invest Bank’s first innovative project in working with marketplaces. In 2021, Center-Invest was the first bank in Russia to remotely issue a loan and set up an account on the Financial Services platform of the Moscow Exchange.