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Center-invest Bank Joined the Largest ESG Forum in Moscow


Mr. Alexander Dolganov, Deputy Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Management Board, PhD in economics, spoke at the XII Annual ESG forum Three Pillars of the National Agenda and presented the Bank’s experience.

The Three Pillars of the National Agenda forum brought together executives from the country’s largest enterprises, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, to discuss ESG agenda trends. Speakers from various industries and businesses shared their experience of implementing projects for sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and environmental objectives.

As part of the forum, Mr. Alexander Dolganov participated in the session Investing in ESG Measures to Support Business and Society’s Sustainability Initiatives. He spoke about Center-invest Bank’s experience of integrating SMEs into sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and environmental agenda.

«ESG strategies become effective when they are an essential part of a company’s brand, woven into management policies and workflows. Since 2022, Center-invest Bank has been applying the ESG risk assessment methodology in lending to entrepreneurs and offered discounted overdrafts to borrowers with high ESG ratings. This way the bank is shaping the loyalty system and encourages entrepreneurs to conduct their business with responsibility», Alexander Dolganov emphasised in his speech.

Earlier, the ACRA rating agency assigned Center-invest Bank an ESG rating of ESG AA, level ESG-2. This is the highest ACRA rating among rated banks that confirms a successful implementation of sustainable development, environmental, social responsibility and governance strategy.