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Center-invest bank launches the world’s first esg task book


In cooperation with the Don State Technical University, Center-Invest Bank employees have published the first “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG) task book, which provides an overview of the ESG agenda and an introduction to modern information technologies. Contributors of the best solutions will receive special prizes.

 The task book contains 35 tasks for self-directed studies in SDG areas, enabling students to learn more about sustainable, collaborative development of the world through the perspective of modern digital technologies. The book is intended for university and college students of any major and advanced school students.

 Each task targets specific SDGs, showcases the existing problems and emphasises opportunities for overcoming them. The book is written by Konstantin Timolyanov (Head of the Garage Industrial Coworking Centre, PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor), Yury Bogdanov (Director of Innovation at Center-invest Bank), and Vladislav Solyony (Educational Projects Manager at Center-invest Bank).

“The idea of exposing students to the SDGs through solving tasks in big data and artificial intelligence originated from combining innovation and teaching,” recalls Konstantin Timolyanov, “I presented my idea at the ‘Me and Sustainable Development Goals’ competition held by Center-invest Bank. We have worked with the bank’s team to produce a guide that will help students shape their future towards global sustainability, including making decisions based on big data.”

The book provides tasks designed according to a unique methodology: the problem statement is based on the ESG agenda and SDGs, the task construction depends on the difficulty level according to big data and machine learning. 

 “Center-invest Bank has always acted for the benefit of the present and future generations. We invest in social and educational projects, encourage talented youth, and actively promote SDGs, thus inspiring customers, partners, and the community to embark on a sustainable development path,” comments Yuri Bogdanov.

Interactive approach is one of the features of the book. Students will be able to get expert feedback on solutions, taking into account the criteria of the process structure and logic, presentation, and teamwork. Contributors of the best answers will receive special awards from Center-invest Bank. You can submit your solution and download the ESG task book or other useful sustainable development reading material here