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Center-invest Bank Participates in 20th Forum of Strategists


The 20th All-Russian Forum, «Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia», was held in St. Petersburg from October 31 to November 1. At the forum, Center-invest Bank shared its experience working in the regions to promote sustainable development principles.

The Forum of Strategists is a platform for discussing the methods and mechanisms for planning the implementation of strategies and integrated projects for the development of Russian cities and regions. The event was organized by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the St. Petersburg administration, and federal ministries and departments.

Center-invest Bank’s Vice-Chairman, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Alexander Dolganov, participated in the forum at a round table titled «Sustainable Development of Russian Regions: Partnership Technologies and Mechanisms for Effective Communication with Business», where he shared his experience and ESG expertise with regional companies.

Center-Invest Bank introduced an ESG rating system for its SME customers in 2022. It reflects a company’s commitment to sustainability and determines the loan interest rate: the higher the rating, the lower the rate. That way, the bank promotes the ESG business model, shares experience and helps customers successfully implement new technologies.

Center-invest Bank implements ESG principles to organize management, planning, risk management and reporting in accordance with Russian and international social and environmental standards, to introduce new information technologies and staff training.