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Customers of Center-invest Bank Choose C2B Payments via Quick Payment System


Center-invest Bank actively promotes C2B payment service via Quick Payment System using QR-code. The convenient payment method contributes to reducing the card service costs for the entrepreneurs.

The system allows instant money transfers from the consumer to the supplier of goods and services. The customer only needs to scan the QR-code on the terminal using their smartphone and confirm the payment without need to use the card.

The advantages of C2B payments for merchants are instant money transfer to the current account of organisation, reducing equipment costs and decreasing the acquiring fee.

Now the minimum fee when paying for housing and communal services is set in the amount of 0.2%, and when paying for consumer, telecommunications, postal, transport, health and education services the fee amounts to 0.4%. In other cases, the fee is 0.7%.

The bank’s service allows businesses to provide the most convenient and safe way to make payments for their customers. Visit our website to apply for connection to Quick Payment System.