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Earth hour with Center-invest Bank


Center-invest Bank became an official partner of the Earth Hour 2021 campaign held by World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

 Earth Hour is the world’s largest environmental campaign, raising awareness of the need for a responsible attitude towards nature and the planet’s resources. As part of the event, millions of people and businesses turn off lights and electric appliances for 1 hour. This year’s topic, Earthlings Hour, encourages us to reflect on the commonalities between all people, nature, and animals.

 Center-invest Bank shares the World Wildlife Fund’s environmental principles and has supported the campaign for the sixth year running. Green Agenda is an integral part of the company’s ESG strategy. The Bank’s team is committed to saving resources, sorting and recycling waste. Employees regularly participate in environmental events and tree planting festivals.

Since 2005, the Bank has been implementing an energy efficiency programme, providing targeted loans to businesses and households to promote modern technologies and measures aimed at energy consumption reduction. Over this time, the bank has financed 22,754 projects worth RUB 20.7 billion. The environmental effect of this work represents an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of 248,883 tonnes, the equivalent of almost 10 million trees planted.

In 2021, Center-invest Bank increased the share of renewable sources for in-house electricity consumption to 25% through the installation of solar panels on the roof of the head office and acquisition of green energy from a solar power plant. The Bank intends to approve a programme and timetable for the transition to full carbon neutrality.