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Economics of Transformations


Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest, Professor, Doctor of Economics Vasily Vasilyevich Vysokov published a new research and practical guide titled «Economics of Transformations». The guide deals with the problem of economic transformation and includes a problem book for hackathons and competitions for students of economic universities.

In the new book, Professor Vysokov gives an overview of the main transformations in various sectors of the economy and ways of managing continuous changes in the face of constant challenges. According to Professor Vysokov, the main rule for comparing the cost and benefit of transformation is a trade-off between the interests of the present and future generations.

The book offers tasks, methods and template forms for each sector of the economy for solving and for competitions and hackathons for students of economic universities. The application of the proposed methods and approaches to solving transformation problems is demonstrated using Center-invest Bank case studies.

The book is intended for a wide range of academic and research experts: researchers, heads of companies and organizations, university professors, and post-graduate and undergraduate students.

Visit the bank’s website for the full research and practical guide.