关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Centr-invest Bank on meeting between Russian and US presidents

Centr-invest Bank on meeting between Russian and US presidents


On 25th of September within a framework of Russia President Putin's visit to New York there was held a 2nd meeting of Russia and US bankers. Chairman of Directors board of "Center-invest" Bank Professor, D. Sc. in economics V. V. Vysokov has been invited to be a member of delegation.

During round table talks in Russian consulate, meetings in CITIBANK, Federal Reserve System and Corps of Financial Volunteers there was presented information about development of Rostov and Krasnodar regions and experience of Centr-invest Bank in operating by international standards, cooperation with international financial organizations, financing investment projects of small and medium business.

During conversations with American colleagues professor Vysokov has Suggested directions of further cooperation, including steps for producing image of Russian banks, drawing foreign capital into native banking sector and probation periods of Russian bankers in American banks. These suggestions of participants of meetings were sent to administrations of Russian and US presidents.