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Center-invest Bank shared corporate management experience


Center-invest Bank became a participant in "research in practice of corporate management in Russian banks" which is provided by IFC.

The review of corporate management structure in bank sector of Russia was provided by KPMG Company on instructions from IFC. The target of research was

Determination and class degree of using by Russian Banks best practice of corporate management in daily activity, availability in Russian Banks of methods of complex corporate management evaluating for their corporate clients during providing financial services.

During research specialists of Center-invest Bank answered on 183 questions. The theme of review is highly urgent for The Bank. The growth of Center-invest range and new possibilities of international cooperation made system of bank management conformal to international standards of corporate management.

In Bank there was made a transition from technologies based on inflation to the management of funds and risks; from managing team to managing knowledge; to creating a system that is independent from individual characteristics and using financial stimuli.

Participation of Center-invest bank in this research has importance because results of review must become a platform for providing direct investment programs and technical support programs for Russia from foreign investors.