关于银行  / 财经新闻  / International capital has highly estimated experience of "Center-invest Bank"

International capital has highly estimated experience of "Center-invest Bank"


July, 16-18 in Frankfurt there was held conference "The condition and prospects of cooperation between global financial institutions and Russian banks - growing possibilities of business" organized by Association of Russian regional banks and rating agency "RusRating". Chairman of Directors board of "Center-invest bank", Professor, D. Sc. In economics V. V. Vysokov has acted there with report on a theme "Operational Experience of Regional Bank with International Financial Organizations".

The conference was conceived to be presentation of regional banks. The representatives of International Financial Corporation, EBRD, Commerzbank, Reiffaisen Bank, Gesellschaft Bank Berlin and others have taken part in it. During performances repeatedly resulted "Center - invest Bank" as an example of a positive operational experience with regional banks.

Summing up conference, the first vice-president of Bank of Russia A. A. Kozlov has highly estimated definition of regional bank as the bank successfully managing regional risks given in the report of professor Vysokov.

Within the framework of conference were held meetings with heads of Deutsche banks. They have confirmed their intention to increase limits of investment projects crediting and guarantees which has been already open for "Center-invest Bank" on results of audit under the international standards of the financial reporting for 2002 twice.