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6th Russian economical forum in London - the way to private investors


Annually in early of April London holds Russian economical forum. The second year in a succession Chairman of Directors board of Center-Invest bank, Professor V. V. Vysokov takes part in it. His report on "Investing for SMEs in Rostov region" was devoted to Center-invest Bank optional experience on SMEs.

For today Bank provides customer services for more than 4000 SMEs of Rostov and Krasnodar Regions. They have a half of Bank' s loan portfolio - USD35mln. But what is important that The Bank and its partners renders a complex of services for participants of small and medium business allowing them to make their business legal in spite of numerous bureaucracy obstacles.

Center-invest Bank has a experience in cooperation with international financial organizations: European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, USAID, International Financial Corporation, Largest German federal insurance company HERMES, Federal Corporation of Italy Ministry of Industry SIMEST. In 2002 alone they provide for Center-invest Bank credit resources and guarantees for more than USD15mln. In first quarter of a current year that sum increased for USD3mln.

As distinct from Davos the majority of Russian Economical Forum participants are not politicians but financiers and businessmen. Rostov experience of working with SMEs roused great interest in financial companies and banks, which have proposed to find financial instruments of investitions for that sector of Don economics not only in hands of international financial organizations but also in private investors working in London market.