关于银行  / 财经新闻  / The EBRD is confident in the clients of Bank Center-invest

The EBRD is confident in the clients of Bank Center-invest


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) warrants the guarantees given by Bank Center-invest for foreign trade transactions of its clients on total sum USD 5 million.

On November 1, 2002 the Letter of Agreement on Trade Finance Guarantee Facilities and the Loan Agreement were signed up between the EBRD and Commercial Bank Center-invest in London. These agreements are a part of the EBRD foreign trade assistance program for enterprises from Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS countries.

According to the terms of agreements, the EBRD warrants:

  • letters of credit for import transactions of Bank Center-invest clients;
  • banker's guarantees given by Bank Center-invest for export and import transactions of its clients.

Within the agreement Bank Center-invest credits the participants of foreign trade transactions on total sum USD 2 million.

The guarantees of the authoritative bank like the EBRD allow the clients of Bank Center-invest to speed up and simplify the process of conclusion and performance of import and export contracts as much as possible, reduce costs, and find new foreign partners.