关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-Invest Bank invests into the "president administrators"

Center-Invest Bank invests into the "president administrators"


On April 10, 2002 was held the meeting of Center-Invest Bank and Administration of Rostov region with association of gradu-ates of President Program for Administrative Personnel Training dedicated to the prospective of the parties interaction in re-alization of investment potential of the Don.

The meeting was arranged in the Club of Directors of Center-Invest Bank. As S.G. Kuznetsov - Deputy Governor of Rostov re-gion for organizational, legal and manpower matters - noted in his opening address, administration is interested in successful functioning of all subjects of regional economy and not only be-lieve in, but also ready to render organizational and legal as-sistance to the new administrators. Therefore Governor of Rostov region V.V. Chyub welcomed Center-Invest Bank's initiative for arrangement of business relations with "forwarded" personnel of region.

At present it is Center-Invest Bank that has experience and technologies of cooperation with international financial organi-zations. Not without reason the most captivating exchange of views turned around the problem of long-term investments. Ac-cording to V.V. Vysokov - Vice-president of Center-Invest Bank: "There is no long-term money in Russia now; the funds for "new industrialization" should be attracted on the international fi-nancial markets". Much attention was paid by graduates of the program to the schemes of project financing, possibilities for reduction of collateral values including the agreements con-cluded by Center-Invest Bank with international organizations.

In the end of meeting T.V. Litvinova - Chairman of the Board of Rostov regional association of graduates, and participants of President program thanked Center-Invest Bank for attention and support noting that that was an "advance" to association. The specific results should be showed up in investment provects.