关于银行  / 财经新闻  / “Center Invest” Offered Beneficial Credits to Agricultural Sector of Rostov Region

“Center Invest” Offered Beneficial Credits to Agricultural Sector of Rostov Region


Within the framework of strategy “Double with “Center Invest” Open Joint-Stock Company Commercial Bank “Center Invest” jointly with Administration of Rostov Region hold a meeting with the largest agricultural producers of Rostov Region.

At the meeting “Center Invest” bank presented new credit products aimed at re-equipment of large agricultural companies of Rostov Region: short-term crediting of circulating assets, leasing of German and Italian equipment and agricultural machinery for the term from 3 to 5 years, leasing of domestic agricultural equipment and machinery, mid-term and long-term investment crediting.

In the discussion of strategy of agricultural sector development offered by “Center Invest” bank I.V. Kuznetsov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Rostov Region for Economy and Finances, took part. The Deputy Minister specially stressed that “Center Invest” bank covers 35% of all financing of agricultural sector of the region. For December 23, 2004 the amount of credits granted by “Center Invest” to agricultural producers exceeds 1.2 billion Rubles.

At discussion of strategic issues the heads of agricultural companies shared their experience on the business trip to the USA organized by “Center Invest” bank, during which they acknowledged with modern technologies of cultivation of wheat, sunflower, corn, soybean basing on American farmers’ experience.

At the meeting the issues of social needs crediting of rural area residents, land laws, land privatization, cattle breeding development and increase of export potential of Rostov Region agricultural sector were also discussed.