关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest offered favourable credits to wholesale companies of Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region.

Center-invest offered favourable credits to wholesale companies of Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region.


In the frames of “Doubling” strategy OJSC Credit Bank Center-invest held a meeting with directors of the largest wholesale companies of Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region.

During the meeting Bank Center-invest introduced new credit products aimed at the realization of the strategy of its clients’ business development: short-term crediting of circulating assets, Italian, German and Russian equipment leasing for 3 and up to 5 years, business real estate leasing, mid- and long-term investment crediting.

During the meeting specialists from Bank Center-invest introduced a new service “Factoring”, which is bank financing of business on condition of cession of claim rights. Factoring allows getting additional financing without pledge, accelerating turnover of funds and increase commodity turnover to the suppliers of goods; in their turn customers get more favourable repayment terms.

New Center-invest program of acquiring “B2B” (Business to Business), based on GSM-technologies, was of especial interest of the participants. This program allows clients of the wholesale companies to pay for goods immediately after they are received. Credit cards of Center-invest bank are used for payment. The advantages of this new program are: absence of funds transportation risks and counterfeit bills acceptance; there’s no necessity in diversion of circulating assets.