关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest is the leader of the South of Russia small business crediting

Center-invest is the leader of the South of Russia small business crediting


As a result of 2004 over 33% of credits granted to SMEs of Rostov region fall to OJSC credit bank Center-invest. In 2004 the Bank granted more than 3300 credits to SMEs to the total amount of RUR 6.1 billion.

During 2004 Bank Center-invest increased credit granting and the volume of credits by 300% as compared with the year 2003. The volume of granted credits increased almost by RUR 4 billion while the joint growth of similar indicator of all other banks made up RUR 3 billion only.

Bank Center-invest cooperates actively with foreign partners in the sphere of lending to SMEs, thus stimulating the development of the real sector of economy in the frames of the program “Doubling with Bank Center-invest”. At present the largest financial organizations have granted credit and guarantee lines for SMEs to Bank Center-invest to the total amount of over RUR 30 mln.

The growth of Bank Center-invest indicators is connected with the extension of Bank’s branch network. At present there are 32 branches and 10 additional offices in Rostov, Krasnodar and Volgograd regions; 10 additional offices will be opened soon.

8000 SMEs and 3000 individual entrepreneurs have already become the customers of Bank Center-invest. By the end of the year Bank Center-invest is planning to increase the number of customers (both SMEs and individual entrepreneurs) up to 15 thousand and the volume of crediting – up to RUR 8 billion.