关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Teachers of Don region were awarded by Bank Center-invest

Teachers of Don region were awarded by Bank Center-invest


On April 28 the final part of regional contest “Teacher of the year of Don region – 2005” took place. In the frames of “Doubling of knowledge” program Bank Center-invest instituted special nomination “For the best method elaboration” for the finalists of the contest. In its frames the Bank granted 3 money premiums of 5000 rubles each.

Bank Center-invest has always respected the labour of teachers and especially of those who implement creative approach towards their work and new educational technologies, who develop author’s programs, trying to enliven the process of education and make it more interesting and efficient.

Premiums to the teachers are not the only social project of Bank Center-invest. The Hall of special servicing for teachers who own plastic cards of Bank Center-invest and for the veterans of Great Patriotic War was opened in Bank Center-invest. In a friendly atmosphere personal manager will help to open a deposit, legalize a loan or to utilize any other banking services.

Over 40 thousand students of RSU, RSEU, RSMU, DSTU and RSCU receive their scholarship via international plastic cards Cirrus/Maestro of Bank Center-invest. In February Bank Center-invest granted name scholarships (to the amount of 10000 rubles) to 50 best excellent students of 5 Rostov Universities. In the frames of “Doubling of knowledge” program the Bank together with Rostov regional local lore museum have realized an educational project: due to this project over 5000 schoolchildren of Rostov-on-Don had a chance to visit the exhibition “Treasures of Don steppes” for free.

Bank Center-invest pays much attention to pensioner depositors. After establishing a special “Pension” account they can transfer their pensions to their accounts at once to get profitable interests.

A special feature offered by Bank Center-invest to the war and labour veteran-depositors and devoted to the anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War, became new deposit “60 years since Victory Day” with the highest interest rate possible.

According to the tradition, on the eve of the 9th of May veteran-depositors receive presents from Bank Center-invest (since May, 3, at Sokolova Avenue, 62) as well as a TV concert (on May 8 you can watch it at 2.30 p.m. on the “Tele-IKS” 35th television channel; repetition of the concert will be broadcasted at 5.30 p.m., on the “Tele-IKS” 32nd television channel).