关于银行  / 财经新闻  / The confidence of veteran-depositors of Bank Center-invest is the best indicator of reliability of the Bank

The confidence of veteran-depositors of Bank Center-invest is the best indicator of reliability of the Bank


On the threshold of the 9th of May traditional congratulation to veterans of Great Patriotic War who have deposits in Bank Center-invest was given. The veteran-depositors were congratulated on the 60th anniversary of Victory Day. Over 1000 veteran-depositors received presents from Bank Center-invest.

For 9 years running Bank Center-invest has been congratulating veteran-depositors on the Victory Day. Despite the flow of time, the number of depositors who fought during Great Patriotic War is growing steadily. Last year Bank Center-invest congratulated 850 persons and this year the presents have been given to one thousand veterans in 26 cities of Rostov and Krasnodar regions and in Volgograd.

This year together with traditional presents Bank Center-invest prepared a TV concert devoted to the anniversary of the Victory Day. On May 8 officials of Bank Center-invest congratulated veterans over the 32nd and 35th “Tele-IKS” television channels.

Many veterans became Bank’s depositors from the day of its foundation; their children and grandchildren confide their savings to Bank Center-invest. Many of them have already received presents, which are drawn for a number of deposits.

A special feature offered by Bank Center-invest to the war and labour veteran-depositors and devoted to the anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War, became new deposit “60 years to the Victory Day” with the highest interest rate possible.

On the eve of the holiday the Hall of special servicing for teachers who own plastic cards of Bank Center-invest and for the veterans of Great Patriotic War was opened in Bank Center-invest. In a friendly atmosphere personal manager will help to open a deposit, legalize a loan or to utilize any other banking services.

The confidence of veteran depositors is the best indicator of reliability of Bank Center-invest. Moreover, this reliability is proved yearly via auditing by international standards, regular monitoring of the Bank by international financial organizations.