关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” is growing surpassing the inflation.

Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” is growing surpassing the inflation.


Web site RBC.ru has published the rating “The most profitable asset management funds of the 1st half of 2005” (www.rating.rbc.ru). Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” took the 3rd position among 25 asset management funds of the largest Russian banks.

The growth of the constitutors’ shares made up 11.62% (23.43% per annum) from 01.01.2005 to 30.06.2005. This figure exceeded the inflation indicator by 3.62% over the same period. Thus, shareholders of Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” were able to protect their money from inflation as well as realize a profit.

RBC specialists note that during the first half of 2005 the most part of Russian asset management funds have made profit to their investors and exceeded bank deposit rates.

“Center-invest First” took the 2nd position in monthly RBC rating “Asset Management Fund yield” in June, 2005. The growth of share value made up 7.43%. After 18 months of the Fund functioning (from 01.01.2004 to 30.06.2005) the growth of the value of constitutors’ shares made up 22.32% (15.07% per annum).The value of net assets of Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” exceeded RUR 28 million as of 01.07.2005.

Asset management fund presupposes long-term investment but for the sake of the customers’ comfort there is a possibility to withdraw money from the asset management fund at any moment. The specialists recommend investing for the term of more than 1 year or for a few years for the investments to reach maximum efficiency. Minimum sum of investment in Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” equals RUR 25 thousand.

You can obtain up-to-date information about the Fund yield on the web site of Bank Center-invest: www.centrinvest.ru