关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Bank Center-invest invests into development of energy saving technologies of Krasnodar region

Bank Center-invest invests into development of energy saving technologies of Krasnodar region


On October 21, in Krasnodar Bank Center-invest together with International Finance Corporation (IFC) with the participation of Committee of communal service of Krasnodar region held a seminar “Long-term financing of energy saving technologies”.

The heads of district administrations, communal service and enterprises of the region who are interested in decreasing power inputs and also suppliers of high-technological equipment took part in the seminar.

Let us remind you that IFC project “Stimulating of investments into energy saving technologies in Russia” was presented by Bank Center-invest and IFC in Rostov-on-Don in April 2005.

In the frames of the project, IFC offers “long” money for crediting of projects of SMEs, which use or plan to implement energy saving technologies and also offers technical consultations by the US specialists.

The head of energy-efficiency project in Russia (IFC) Mr. Stamp presented a program of energy saving technologies financing. This program will allow the enterprises to get financing for the term of 5 years to increase efficiency of the use of energy supply, what is essential for Associations of Housing Owners and communal service during modernization and integration of heating, pumping equipment and also for the enterprises of any branch, which are interested in decreasing power inputs and connected expenses.

During the seminar the mechanisms of interaction between suppliers of modern energy- saving equipment, financial institutions and enterprises of communal service were considered in details. Urgency of communal service reforming and commercial financing was emphasized.

IFC and Bank Center-invest plan to finance projects of industrial enterprises, service enterprises and also of municipal ones.

Realization of the program will allow not only decrease expenses of the enterprises of the South of Russia connected with the growth of energy resources costs but also reduce emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

During the seminar Bank Center-invest specialists presented instruments of financing (leasing, trade financing, factoring and other lending types), allowing to implement given program with maximum efficiency; they also explained their advantages, shared their experience of realization of energy-saving program in Rostov region.