关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Bank Center-invest finances goods supply to Trade Center “Metro Cash and Carry”

Bank Center-invest finances goods supply to Trade Center “Metro Cash and Carry”


On October 28 Bank Center-invest together with Trade Center “METRO Cash and Carry” with the support of Rostov region administration held a seminar “Goods supply to Trade Center “METRO Cash and Carry” and mechanisms of its financing”. Directors of 200 Rostov region companies, producing different types of goods, took part in the seminar.

During the seminar specialists of Bank Center-invest presented the mechanisms of goods supply financing for “METRO Cash and Carry” – such as lending on security of supply agreement and Bank leasing types for goods suppliers.

Representatives of “METRO Cash and Carry” told the participants of the seminar about main principles of cooperation with international trade networks.Bank Center-invest holds seminars for its clients on regular basis. This year meetings with the largest agricultural producers of Rostov region, heads of wholesale companies and car shows have taken place, as well as a number of seminars in Rostov and Krasnodar cities, devoted to energy saving problems.