关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Bank Center-invest presented new technologies of crediting during the exhibition “Small business in the economy of Don region”

Bank Center-invest presented new technologies of crediting during the exhibition “Small business in the economy of Don region”


Bank Center-invest took part in the exhibition “Small business in the economy of Don region”, which took part from 17th to 19th of November in the frames of forum “Days of small business in Don region”. At its exposition Bank Center-invest presented new services for small business and individual entrepreneurs.

During the exhibition Bank Center-invest presented for the first time a brand new system of receipt of credit applications from the entrepreneurs via the Internet. On web site of Bank Center-invest (www.centrinvest.ru) a new section has been opened “Credit application ONLINE”. It is very comfortable to send credit application via the Internet – this can be done any time and within 24 hours you are able to know bank economist’s decision concerning your loan.

Bank Center-invest also presented to the entrepreneurs of the South of Russia new programs of lending to small business: standard loans and overdrafts (with and without collateral) and special offers:

  • A loan guaranteed by US Agency for international development (USAID): collateral equals the sum of a loan, the rest is covered by USAID guarantee;
  • “Car” loan allows purchasing a car for business while a “Start-Up” loan allows starting a new business.

In the frames of the exhibition Bank Center-invest specialists held a mini-seminar for a group of students-economists of RSU. The head of department of lending to SMEs of bank Center-invest Andrey Tuchkov told the students about schemes of SMEs financing.

The work of Bank Center-invest specialists was highly evaluated by Administration of the region and organizational committee of the forum. Mr. Tuchkov was awarded a diploma for the contribution to credit resources provision of SMEs.

Traditionally, customers of Bank Center-invest also took part in the exhibition. Many of them were awarded special prizes. Once again this proves the fact that an enterprise takes leading positions in the market with the help of Bank Center-invest.

9000 SMEs and 4000 individual entrepreneurs have already become customers of Bank Center-invest. By the end of the year Bank Center-invest plans to increase the number of customers (both SMEs and individual entrepreneurs) up to 15 thousand and volume of crediting – up to RUR 8 billion.