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Center-invest Bank awarded the best students with scholarships


On February 15 the best students from 5 Rostov higher educational establishments were granted certificates for scholarships. The ceremony took place in Center-invest Bank: 50 talented students from Rostov State University, Rostov State Economic University, Don State Technical University and Rostov State Building and Construction University received name scholarships from Center-invest Bank to the amount of RUR 10 000.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC CB “Center-invest” professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics, and Hubert Pandza, the head of EBRD business group for Russia and countries of Central Asia, congratulated the students. A seminar “Center-invest Bank – Done: Doubling 2005” was held specifically for the scholars. The students were told about Center-invest Bank program “Doubling of knowledge”, within its framework the Bank supports students, who are to become high quality specialists. The students learned that it is possible to double the scholarships as well as living standards with Center-invest Bank.

Center-invest Bank is sure that in future present students will become the principal unit in realization of business doubling in the South of Russia as well as living standards of the population of the region.

Over 40 000 students of RSU, RSEU, RSMU, DSTU, RSCU receive their scholarships via international plastic cards Cirrus/Maestro of Center-invest Bank. Apart from the ability to get cash all over the world, one can pay for the use of the Internet or pay for cell-phone talks – one should only send an SMS to a required number and also discounts are available if you pay with Center-invest Bank card in shops, cafes and cinemas.

Center-invest Bank has been encouraging the best students since 2003. The scholarships to the students are not the only social project of Center-invest Bank. Within the framework of the “Doubling of Knowledge” program the Bank in cooperation with Rostov Local Lore Museum has realized an educational project, due to which over 16 000 schoolchildren from Rostov-on-Don city and Rostov region could visit the exhibition “Treasures of Don Steppes” for free.

Center-invest Bank pays much attention to older people as well. Rostov Bank holds annual meetings with depositors who are veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the eve of Victory Day, during which veterans are congratulated and granted presents. In 2004 Center-invest Bank offered the possibility for retired persons to transfer their pensions to the Bank and thus obtain interest income.