关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Personal computers for Center-invest Bank depositors

Personal computers for Center-invest Bank depositors


Center-invest Bank continues granting presents to its depositors. On July 13 traditional drawing of prizes took place. Lucky owners of “Elite” deposit were granted three personal computers.

Due to a wide range of deposits with drawings of prizes, Center-invest bank customers have already obtained five cars, two flats while since the beginning of 2006 bank’s depositors won 6 personal computers and over 700 sets of domestic equipment.

In 2006 Center-invest Bank depositors set a new record - as of 01.07.06 the volume of deposits in the largest bank of Don region exceeded RUR 5.5 billion. The number of Center-invest Bank depositors is over 120 thousand. Stable growth of the volume of deposits is a proof of high confidence of the population of the South of Russia in the Bank.

A deposit with drawing of prizes can be made in any of 47 branches and subbranches of Center-invest Bank in Rostov-on-Don and Volgograd cities, Rostov, Krasnodar regions. All the deposits in Center-invest Bank are insured via state deposit insurance system.

Next drawing of prizes will take place on August 24. On the eve of a new school year Center-invest Bank will draw cellular phones and - specifically for excellent students – a personal computer for the owners of “Grow up a big person!” deposit.Branch:

Protocol of drawing of prizes for “Elite” deposit
Winning accounts:
№: Branch: Prize:
000103427 Head office Personal computer