关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank granted cellular phones and a personal computer to schoolchildren

Center-invest Bank granted cellular phones and a personal computer to schoolchildren


On August 24, on the eve of a new school year Center-invest Bank has drawn off 5 cellular phones among young depositors and specifically for excellent students, a personal computer was drawn for the depositors of “Grow up a big person!” deposit.

Center-invest Bank depositors save their money as well as win valuable prizes. Due to a wide range of deposits with drawing of prizes, Center-invest Bank customers have already obtained five cars, two flats while since the beginning of 2006 Bank’s depositors have won 6 personal computers and over 700 sets of different domestic equipment.

In August Center-invest Bank customers set a new record – the volume of deposits in the largest bank of the South of Russia reached RUR 6 billion! Population of the South of Russia has chosen stability and reliability of Center-invest Bank.

The number of depositors of Center-invest Bank is over one hundred and twenty thousand persons. Stable growth of the volume of deposits is a proof of high confidence of the population of Russia in the Bank.

One can open a deposit with drawing of prizes in any of 88 branches, subbranches and operational cash offices of Center-invest Bank in Rostov-on-Don city as well as in Rostov, Volgograd regions and Krasnodarsky and Stavropolsky krai. All the deposits in Center-invest Bank are insured via state deposit insurance system.