关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank occupies leading positions in Russia by profitability of Asset Management Fund

Center-invest Bank occupies leading positions in Russia by profitability of Asset Management Fund


Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” took the 3rd position by the profitability from the beginning of 2006 according to the review of asset management funds activities given on web-site ofbu.ru (Agency for Protection of Investors’ Informational Rights (APIIR) http://www.ofbu.ru/a2_obzor.phtml?day=07&month=09&year=2006).

Center-invest Bank (Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First”) took the 8th position by net assets value of the Fund among the largest Russian banks, operating in this field. According to the information of APIIR, net assets value of Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” increased by 50% after 3 summer months.

Center-invest Bank (Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First”) also took the 4th place among the largest Russian banks, operating with asset management funds, by the number of investors – 526 persons.

Asset Management Funds are an investment tool and their efficiency depends on professional skills of financial analyst’s team who operate them, and who know well the market fluctuations.

Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” is stable to occupy the first positions of profitability ratings starting from the beginning of 2006. RBC experts consider Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” to be one of the best offers in the market of collective investments in Southern Federal District.

Asset Management Fund presupposes long-term investments but for the sake of customers’ comfort, there is a possibility to withdraw money from the Fund at any moment. Specialists recommend investing money in Asset Management Fund for the tenor of over 1 year to reach maximum efficiency. Minimum sum of investment into Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” is RUR 25 thousand.

Asset Management Fund provides transparency of its activities via cooperation with (Agency for Protection of Investors’ Informational Rights (APIIR) (www.ofbu.ru).

For more detailed information, please visit web site of Center-invest Bank www.centrinvest.ru.