关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank is a reliable partner for the agricultural producers of the South of Russia!

Center-invest Bank is a reliable partner for the agricultural producers of the South of Russia!


The share of agricultural industry in credit portfolio of Center-invest Bank exceeded RUR 3.3 billion.

Loans or leasing in Center-invest Bank allow increasing labour efficiency while decreasing production costs. CJSC “Vishnevskoye”, CJSC “Red Star”, “Progress-Agro” Ltd., Slavugin farm (all the companies are from Rostov region); “Ali” Ltd, “Kubanagrofasta” Ltd. (both companies are from Krasnodar Territory) and “Privolye” Ltd (Stavropol Territory) as well as other organizations throughout the South of Russia have already used credit products of Center-invest Bank and realized technical reequipment, construction and modernization of production capacities while decreasing fuel and electric energy consumption.

Center-invest Bank’s care of the future of agrarian sector of economy of the South of Russia was confirmed during International economic forum “Kuban 2006”, where Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank professor Vasily V.Vysokov, doctor in economics, asked vice prime minister for the Government of RF Alexander Zhukov to introduce amendments to current regulation on interest rate subsidizing for leasing of agricultural machinery :

“South of Russia produces 1/5 of all the agricultural production of the country. Agriculture desperately needs new equipment but farmers don’t have any coverage. All over the world leasing is used in such situations. To do this the Government of Russian Federation should change the word “loan” to “loan (leasing)” in appropriate regulations. Due to this technical error the implementation of modern technologies in agroindustrial complex is being hampered. At present leasing portfolio of Center-invest Bank is about RUR 1 billion and our customers from their own experience realize that new equipment and new technologies allow decreasing cost value of production by 30% and repay leasing in time as well as receive advantages as compared to their competitors in the market.”

On individual basis, Center-invest Bank specialists provide support for the customers via consultations with domestic and foreign specialists as well as via organization of seminars and business-meetings.

Efficient work with the customers is enhanced by a wide branch network of Center-invest Bank throughout the South of Russia – in Rostov and Volgograd regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in total – 88 branches, subbranches and cash offices.