关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank grants presents to holders of “long” deposits and to retired persons

Center-invest Bank grants presents to holders of “long” deposits and to retired persons


On November 30 regular drawing of prizes took place in Center-invest Bank. This drawing was held among the holders of “long” deposits (the term of deposits is from 3 to 5 years) and pensioners who receive their pensions via Center-invest Bank.

Center-invest Bank depositors from Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk, Semikarakorsk, Taganrog, Azov, Aksai and other cities were granted valuable prizes and presents. In total 52 sets of domestic equipment were drawn.

Center-invest Bank depositors save their money as well as win valuable prizes. Due to a wide range of deposits with drawings of prizes, Center-invest Bank customers have already won five cars, two flats while from the beginning of 2006 depositors of the Bank have obtained 6 personal computers and over 1000 sets of different domestic equipment.

In November Center-invest Bank depositors set a new record – the volume of deposits in one of the largest banks of the South of Russia exceeded RUR 6.75 billion! Population of the South of Russia made their choice in favour of Center-invest Bank’s stability and reliability.

The number of depositors in Center-invest Bank is over 120 thousand people. Stable growth of the volume of deposits is a proof of a high confidence of the population of the South of Russia in the Bank.

Next drawing of prizes will take place on the eve of New Year on December 21. According to the tradition Center-invest Bank will draw a car – VAZ 2110.

You still have time to open a winning deposit in any of 90 branches, subbranches and cash desks of Center-invest Bank in Rostov and Volgograd regions, Krasnodar and, by now, in Stavropol Territory. A branch of the Bank has been opened in Pyatigorsk. Center-invest Bank is developing its branch network for our customers while moving around South Federal District to feel always at home and for them to be able to use the services of our bank in any city.

All the deposits in Center-invest Bank are insured via state deposit insurance system.