关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” took the 1st position of rating RBC.ru “The most profitable Asset Management Funds according to the results of 2006”

Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” took the 1st position of rating RBC.ru “The most profitable Asset Management Funds according to the results of 2006”


Web-site RBC.ru has published rating “The most profitable Asset Management Funds according to the results of 2006” (http://rating.rbc.ru/article.shtml?2007/01/22/31331319). Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” took the 1st position among Russian ruble asset management funds with aggressive strategy. Profitability of the Fund in 2006 equaled to 61.85% (the rating is prepared on the basis of the information of the Association for investors' informational rights protection).

Success of “Center-invest First” fund proved once again a high qualification of Center-invest Bank specialists and professional knowledge of development trends of Russian stock market. Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” has been working successfully since 2003 and it is always taking the first positions of profitability ratings of Russian funds.

Asset Management Fund presupposes long-term investments but for the sake of customers’ comfort it is possible to draw out money from the fund at any moment.

In August 2006 Center-invest Bank has introduced a new investment service for the population of the South of Russia – Asset Management Fund “Center-invest II” (registered by the Bank of Russia on 26.07.2006).

The basis of investment strategy of this new fund of Center-invest Bank is bonds of Russian companies and shares of real estate investment funds. The new fund is characterized by less aggressive strategy as compared to “Center-invest First”, whose assets are mainly invested into shares of Russian corporations.

Due to this new fund, opportunities of Center-invest Bank customers increased greatly. Combining savings in these two funds, one can manage his/hers investment with greater flexibility.

Center-invest Bank realizes transparent fund management and cooperates with the Association for investors’ informational rights protection (AIIRP) (www.ofbu.ru). Up-to-date information on the profitability and activities of the funds is available on Center-invest Bank web-site www.centrinvest.ru.