关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Russian MBA for the students of the South of Russia

Russian MBA for the students of the South of Russia


On March 16 professor Vasily V.Vysokov, doctor in economics, gave a lecture in Center-invest Bank for the students, post-graduates and young teachers of Southern Federal University and journalists devoted to “Construction of economic mechanisms”.

During the lecture there were discussed matters corresponding to those learnt in the frames of MBA course (Master of Business Administration). However the MBA presented during the lecture was given taking into account the experience of construction and use of mathematical models under transitional economy.

The audience got acquainted with different variants of construction of organizational systems of management, marketing, finances, social management, pricing, planning and lending. Together with reviews of main theoretical concepts of each of economic mechanism sub-systems, the students received practical skills of accommodation of given alternatives and means of development of regional economic programs.

Opinions and comments of lecture participants:

    “Philosophical, world outlook aspects of purely utilitarian economic matters, as it seems at first glance, are of definite value and of especial interest”.“I wouldn’t be late for such a lecture at my Alma Mater!”

    “Extensive, interesting and useful information was presented in short, clear and understandable manner”

    “The most important thing for me is the opinion and views of a skilled expert”

    “Brilliant mathematical knowledge embellishes a lecture greatly!”