关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank in Oxford<br>Professor Vasily V. Vysokov gave a lecture at one of the largest international universities

Center-invest Bank in Oxford<br>Professor Vasily V. Vysokov gave a lecture at one of the largest international universities


On May 16, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics, gave a lecture for the students, post-graduates and teachers of University of Oxford (England) devoted to “Center-invest Bank: Stable Development of the South of Russia”.

Teachers and students from all over the world were presented an economic and strategic analysis of the South of Russia together with Center-invest Bank experience in realization of “South of Russia+” strategy.

“If realization of national projects allows increasing living standards of the population of the South of Russia up to medium Russian level, then the implementation of the best world practice in agrarian sector, education, resort and recreational sphere, energy-saving and small business will make the region a top priority international project” – underlined professor Vysokov in his speech.

Students and scientists of Oxford as well as leading teachers of the University, professors Tertetov and Oppenheimer took part in discussion of the matters touched upon in the speech.

Professor Vysokov granted his new book “Investment Appeal of the South of Russia” (RSEU (“RINKH”), Rostov-on-Don, 2006) to the University library.

In May, the journal “Russia Finance” (Great Britain) published an article by the Chairman of the board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics, entitled «Social Responsibility of Business Versus Sustainable Development».

The article contains analysis of Center-invest Bank experience in support of reforms in the South of Russia as well as experience of best world practice implementation in Bank and its customers activities, realization of social programs, regional risks management and spreading of the experience around regions of the South of Russia.

Professor Vysokov emphasized that within the framework of stable development a business should not be responsible for miscalculations in social policy but provide for its competitiveness in global economy. Only on the basis of use of global competition advantages it is possible to increase living standards in the South of Russia.