关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank introduced investment potential of the South of Russia to the largest Russian and foreign banks

Center-invest Bank introduced investment potential of the South of Russia to the largest Russian and foreign banks


On May 31 – June 1, Center-invest Bank organized a seminar “Stable development of the South of Russia”, which was attended by the top-mangers and senior specialists of 30 Russian and foreign banks.

The participants of the forum got acquainted with technologies and organization of activities at the Head Office and branches of Center-invest Bank, they listened and discussed the speeches of senior specialists of the Bank: “Bank’s Strategy up to 2011” (by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics), “System of balanced business-plan indicators” (by Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board for international relations and financial institutions, Olga V. Vysokova, master of finances), “Policies for internal control and risk management” (by the head of internal control service, Tatyana Yu. Ivanova, and head of Monitoring and risk control Department, Stepan K. Otarov, candidate of engineering sciences).

Representatives of bank-partners also got acquainted with social and educational projects of the Bank: education for pupils on the basis of the Internet, studies of Don region history by pupils, experience of organization of Target Capital Fund “Education and Science of SFD”; as well as with cultural and historic traditions of Rostov region and visited Starocherkassk – a museum-town.

The seminar allowed the partners to form own image of Center-invest Bank as well as of social and economic potential of the region where the Bank realizes social and educational, and investment projects.