关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank introduced the South of Russia at the annual investors’ forum in Moscow

Center-invest Bank introduced the South of Russia at the annual investors’ forum in Moscow


On June 18-20, the 11-th annual conference of investors of Renaissance Capital took place in Moscow. During the conference the reports were given by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Center-invest, President of the Endowment Fund “Education and Science of SFD”, Dr. Vasily V. Vysokov, and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the Bank Olga V. Vysokova.

Conference participants showed great interest in the development strategy of the South of Russia – “South of Russia+” which is realized by Center-invest Bank as well as in a recently established Endowment Fund to support talented students, post-graduates and teachers of higher educational establishments of the South of Russia.

Renaissance Capital and international investors congratulated Center-invest Bank with its triumph at international contest in the sphere of sustainable banking (Sustainable Banking Awards 2007 by the Financial Times) in “Sustainable Bankers of the Year” nomination. Bank’s partners emphasized the fact that they were proud to cooperate with a bank like Center-invest:

“Center-invest Bank surprised and delighted all Russian audience and investors by receiving such a prestigious award. Deep congratulations to the management of the Bank who did such a spectacular job to show that not only big global institutions care about sustainability but that this is important for all of us”. Maria Luisa Cicogniani, Managing Director, Renaissance Capital.

As a result of meetings and negotiations conducted during the conference, a group of investors is going to visit Krasnodar and Sochi where it will be able to assess in details the potential of regional development and experience “South of Russia+” strategy realization.