关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank became a holder of “Golden certificate of confidence”

Center-invest Bank became a holder of “Golden certificate of confidence”


On July 10, a meeting of Rostov region Administration and European Business Association delegation (EBA) took place in Center-invest Bank.

European businessmen were represented by the following large companies: E.ON Ruhrgas AG, HSBC Bank, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

During the meeting, the head of Federal Taxation Authorities of Russian Federation in Rostov region, Mr. Zerschikov, granted Center-invest Bank the “Golden Certificate of Confidence”. The Certificate is granted only to the most responsible and conscientious tax-payers.

Possession of “Golden Certificate” relieves a company of field tax audits for the term of three years and gives a right to participate in National Award “Tax-payer of the year”. Center-invest Bank has already received both an ordinary and a silver certificate. OJSC CB “Center-invest” remains the only bank of Don region that is honoured by this award of taxation authorities.

Minister for economy, trade, international and external economic relations, the Deputy Head of Administration (Governor) of Rostov region, Mr.Deryabkin on behalf of the Governor – Mr.Chub – congratulated professor Vysokov in connection with his “silver” award of the Financial Times contest in nomination Sustainable Bankers of the Year:

    “You are a follower of a qualitively new approach to banking development. Center-invest Bank provides a helping hand for enterprises of the South of Russia for them to remain sustainable during the reforms, it develops investment projects market and implements the Best World Practice principles”.

The meeting was also attended by Mr.Yepifantsev, the Chief federal inspector in Rostov region of the staff of RF president plenipotentiary in Southern Federal District.

On July 11-13 EBA delegation will visit Sochi, Krasnodar, Timashevsk and Korenovsk where they will get acquainted with working technologies of Center-invest Bank offices in the South of Russia and the offices themselves, whose total number has exceeded 100 units.