关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Southern Russia versus the Global Crisis

Southern Russia versus the Global Crisis


Center-invest Bank presented itseconomic programme 'Southern Russia Against the Global Crisis' to internationalbanks in Frankfurt on 27 October, and at the conference 'Medium-SizedEnterprises: Safeguarding Southern Russia's Economic Growth', organised by theAssociation of European Businesses and the magazine 'Expert-Yug', in Krasnodaron 29 October.

Center-investBank's independent director, former Bundesbank president Ernst Welteke,helped organise the meeting in Frankfurtand also attended the event. DeputyChairman of Center-invest's Executive Board for Financial Institutions, Olga Vysokova, presented the bank's IFRS results forQ3 2008: shareholders' equity reached RUR5.7bn, assets RUR48.5bn, loansRUR34.2bn, customer accounts RUR23bn, and profit RUR0.7bn. 

Center-investhad acted in anticipation of the financial crisis. In this year alone, the bank has obtainedlong-term loans totalling more than RUR7.5bn.

Presentingthe 'Southern Russia Against the Global Crisis' programme to foreign partners,Chairman of Center-invest Bank's Board of Directors, Professor Vasily Vysokov(Doctor of Economics) said, 'At a time ofinternational crisis, southern Russia can maximise its global advantages in terms of the 'price/quality' ratio inthe market segments relating to food production, logistics, infrastructure andenergy efficiency. If the programme is to succeed, the authorities and thebusiness community must step up their efforts to revive the circulation ofmoney and lending to the real economy, manage liquidity, meet their socialobligations to the local population in full, monitor markets and prices,consider whether projects and programmes can be more effective, and also establisha new financial markets system.'

Foreignbanks have expressed considerable interest in the programme; they see it asproviding real opportunities for investment in the post-crisis economy and forcooperation in introducing new efficient equipment and technologies.

Theprogramme had previously been presented to the heads of leading companies inthe Rostovregion at a special meeting of Center-invest Bank's Club of Directors.

Theprogramme was also discussed at the VIII international economic forum 'Enterprise in Southern Russia:Innovation and Development' and at an extraordinary meeting of the RostovRegion Chamber of Commerce and Industry.