关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-invest Bank presented a new Asset Management Fund “Center-invest II”

Center-invest Bank presented a new Asset Management Fund “Center-invest II”


Center-invest Bank presented a new investment service for the population of the South of Russia – asset management fund “Center-invest II” (registered by the Bank of Russia on July 26, 2006).


The basis of investment steategy of this new fund of Center-invest Bank is bonds of Russian companies and shares of real estate investment funds. This is the difference of the new fund from Asset ","Management Fund “Center-invest I”, where assets are allocated into stocks of Russian corporations. \r\n

Asset Management Fund “Center-invest II” is more advisable for the investors who wish to allocate their funds for the term of over 1 year or for several years to reach maximum efficiency and risk decrease. \r\n

Asset Management Fund “Center-invest I” has been operationg since 2003 and takes high positions of ratings among all the Russian asset management funds on regular basis. \r\n

According to the results of first 6 months of 2006 the growth of Asset Management Fund “Center-invest I” share value made up 40.73% (82.13% annually). The growth of net assets of Asset Management Fund “Center-invest I” in July of 2006 exceeded RUR 100 million while the number of shareholders exceeded 400 persons.\r\n

Due to the new fund the possibilities of Center-invest Bank depositors will expand significally. One can manage his investments more flexibly by combining savings in two funds.\r\n

Bank’s funds provide transparency of their activity due to cooperation with the Agency for protection of informational rights of investors (APIRI) (www.ofbu.ru). Updated information on profitability and activities of the funds is available on web-site of the Bank: www.centrinvest.ru.