关于银行  / 财经新闻  / Center-Invest continues to strengthen cooperation between businesses in southern Russia and Europe.

Center-Invest continues to strengthen cooperation between businesses in southern Russia and Europe.


The event brought together southern Russian and German companies from the following sectors:
―  expediting and logistical services;
―  Business Development consulting services;
―  construction;
―  building management systems and processes;
―  the manufacturing of heating systems for industrial application, including in hazardous areas;
―  software development for electricity suppliers;
―  systems for loading and securing bulky cargo;
―  the supply of warehousing and manufacturing equipment;
―  concrete products machine manufacturing.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-Invest Bank, Dr. Vasily Vysokov, delivered a lecture from the series “Southern Russia Versus the Global Crisis” especially for the business people. He spoke about the region's prospects and the mechanisms for cooperation between Russian and foreign companies.

The German delegation said that they were very inspired by the way in which Center-Invest Bank viewed the post-crisis economy and our work on developing a post-crisis mindset among the business community.

Center-Invest Bank regularly holds such meetings, enabling our customers to establish relationships with large companies that are leaders in their sectors both in Europe and in other continents.